Berkeley University Course Catalog (2025)

1. Berkeley Class Schedule

  • Course Catalog · Class Schedule · Course Catalog · Undergraduate · Graduate · Archive. Search by ...

  • Students: Get free, digital access to books, articles, videos for your classes!

2. Courses | Berkeley Academic Guide

  • Computer Science (COMPSCI) · Mathematics (MATH) · Economics (ECON)

3. Berkeley Academic Guide

  • Course Catalog · Undergraduate Overview · Degree Programs: Majors & Minors

  • Compare programs, find detailed degree requirements, discover faculty research specialties, and learn more about the unparalleled academic opportunities available to you at UC Berkeley.

4. Undergraduate & Graduate Courses | Berkeley College

  • Find full-time, part-time, or online college courses at Berkeley College. Earn your degree on campus in NY, NJ and online. Develop a course schedule today!

5. Class Schedule & Catalog - Menu Links - Berkeley City College

  • Missing: university | Show results with:university

  • Search for classes on PASSPORT BCC Catalogs: Explore the BCC 2024-25 College Catalog online Past BCC Catalogs BCC Class Schedules: Berkeley City College Summer and Fall 2024 Searchable Summer and Fall 2024 Class Schedules Past BCC Class Schedules Academic Calendars

Class Schedule & Catalog - Menu Links - Berkeley City College

6. Summer Sessions Courses

7. [PDF] COURSE CATALOG - Berkeley High School

  • Each community is designed to give students the content knowledge, skills, and diverse learning experience to be successfully prepared for a four- year ...

8. UC Berkeley

  • A Comprehensive Crash Course for Everyone: The course will provide you with a broader and more comprehensive understanding of the pandemic.

  • © 2024 UC Berkeley All Rights Reserved.

9. Catalog: Info Courses - UC Berkeley School of Information

  • Missing: university | Show results with:university

  • The School of Information is UC Berkeley’s newest professional school. The I School offers three master’s degrees and an academic doctoral degree.

10. Class Schedules & Catalogs - Peralta Community College District

  • 2023/2024 ; Berkeley City College 2023-2024 Course Catalog Cover. Berkeley City College ; College of Alameda 2023-2024 Course Catalog Cover. College of Alameda.

  • Peralta Colleges Class Schedules & Course Catalogs

11. Course Catalog | UCEAP

  • This catalog is one of many resources to help you research courses on UCEAP. You can use it to view courses students across all UC campuses have taken in the ...

  • This catalog is one of many resources to help you research courses on UCEAP. You can use it to view courses students across all UC campuses have taken in the last five years. While not a complete list of available courses, it's a great starting point.

12. [PDF] COURSE CATALOG - Berkeley High School

  • 1 Welcome to Berkeley High School. 2. Support & Guidance. Counselor Statement. General Information about College Admissions. Keeping Your Options Open.

13. University of California, Berkeley - edX

  • Browse free online courses in a variety of subjects. University of California, Berkeley courses found below can be audited free or students can choose to ...

  • The University of California, Berkeley, was chartered in 1868, and its flagship campus — envisioned as a "City of Learning" — was established at Berkeley, on San Francisco Bay. Berkeley faculty consists of 1,629 full-time and 896 part-time faculty members dispersed among more than 130 academic departments and more than 100 interdisciplinary research units. Berkeley alumni have received 31 Nobel prizes, and there are nine Nobel Laureates, and four Pulitzer Prize winners among the current faculty. Learn more about UC Berkeley. BerkeleyX supports the development and global distribution of online education programs using the edX Platform. Since joining the edX consortium in 2012, UC Berkeley has offered more than 100 classes to 4 million learners from 150 countries and regions, around the world. BerkeleyX offers Professional Certificates, MicroMasters, and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS).

14. UC Berkeley Public Health

  • This course is a prerequisite for any student from a residential degree program ... Course Catalog · Terms of Use · Privacy Policy. © 2024 UC Berkeley ...

  • © 2024 UC Berkeley All Rights Reserved.

15. University of California A-G Course List

  • Find a specific institution's A-G course list. View associated schools within a school district or network. List of online schools with A-G course lists.

  • Find a specific institution's A-G course list. View associated schools within a school district or network. List of online schools with A-G course lists. To search for A-G courses by title or type, use the A-G Course Search.

16. Degree Programs - Berkeley Academic Guide

  • Degree Programs · Aerospace EngineeringQuick View · Aerospace Engineering and Business AdministrationQuick View ...

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17. Open Educational Resources (OER) at Berkeley City College


  • The BCC Library is assisting faculty in the adoption of OER textbooks and other teaching materials

18. Choosing courses for UC Berkeley First year - Page 2

  • Jun 25, 2023 · I will join Berkeley this fall and am now choosing courses for my First semester. I am having difficulty choosing between the Gender and ...

  • thank you for the information and help.

Choosing courses for UC Berkeley First year - Page 2

19. UC, Berkeley Course Catalog Analysis | by Ariyo Sanmi - Medium

  • Jun 29, 2020 · The graphical relationship of the California universities was well presented, but the pie charts used for displaying the courses makes it ...

  • Data Visualization Capstone Project — Udacity

UC, Berkeley Course Catalog Analysis | by Ariyo Sanmi - Medium
Berkeley University Course Catalog (2025)


Does retaking a class replace the grade at Berkeley? ›

You may repeat a course only if you received a grade of D+, D, D-, F, or no pass (NP) in your first attempt of the course. You can only repeat a course one time to replace a grade. Grades in third attempts of a course will not be calculated into your GPA, but will be shown on your transcript.

What is the minimum passing grade at UC Berkeley? ›

Grading Options

The University of California, Berkeley, uses a plus and minus letter grade system on a four-point scale. Any letter grade under C- is not considered passing.

What happens if you NP a class at Berkeley? ›

No pass (NP) grades represent a level of performance at a D+ or lower. No units or grade points will be earned. Neither P nor NP grades will affect your GPA. While on academic probation, you must take all coursework for a letter grade unless you enroll in a course that is only offered P/NP.

What does C mean in Berkeley classes? ›

C prefix designates a cross-listed course. H prefix designates honors courses. N prefix designates a Summer Session course that is not equivalent to a regular session course with the same number. R prefix designates courses that meet the Reading and Composition Requirement.

Does retaking classes look bad on transcripts? ›

Retaking the classes online and earning a higher grade will look better than a C on your transcript. Taking extra classes, so long as you can handle the increased rigor, will also help your application by boosting your weighted and unweighted GPA.

Does retaking a class hurt your GPA? ›

Retaking a course can have a significant impact on a student's GPA. If a student received a poor grade in a course, retaking the class and receiving a higher grade can improve their overall GPA. However, if a school averages the grades, the impact on the GPA might not be as significant.

Is an A+ A 4.3 at Berkeley? ›

Because of the wide range of grading systems used by US colleges and universities, the CAS converts records into a standard format. Your CAS GPA may be different from your Cal GPA. For example, the CAS assigns an A+ a value of 4.3, while at Cal, an A+ is equivalent to 4.0.

Is 3.8 A good GPA in Berkeley? ›

The average unweighted GPA of admitted students at UC Berkeley tends to hover around 3.9, but I'd like to reassure you that a 3.8 is still a strong GPA and very much within striking distance. Berkeley, like many colleges, practices a holistic review process with no absolute cutoffs.

Is D passing in Berkeley? ›

The work of all students on the UC Berkeley campus is reported in terms of the following grades: A (excellent); B (good); C (fair); D (barely passed); F (failure); P (passed at a minimum level of C- for undergraduate students); NP (not passed); S (satisfactory, passed at a minimum level of B- for graduate students); U ...

Why is Berkeley so hard to get into? ›

For clarification, UC-Berkeley is very hard to get into. UC-Berkeley is extremely competitive because it is THE top-ranked public university in the U.S and one of the most prestigious school's in the country. Berkeley appeals to students all over the world for many reasons.

Is getting into UC Berkeley a big deal? ›

Admissions Rate: 11.4%

This tells you how competitive the school is and how serious their requirements are. The acceptance rate at UC Berkeley is 11.4%. For every 100 applicants, only 11 are admitted. This means the school is extremely selective.

Can I get into Berkeley with B's? ›

You'll want a 3.9+ GPA to get into UCB. The good news is that only your sophomore and junior years count in California's method of calculating GPA. The bad news is that it only takes 2–3 Bs to bring that GPA below that 3.9 threshold. Take your shot, but apply to 3–5 match and likely schools as well.

Is a 4.3 GPA good for UC Berkeley? ›

The average admitted GPA for the College of Letters & Science at UC Berkeley is 4.2. For the College of Engineering, not including Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EE/CS), the average admitted GPA is over 4.3.

Can you get into Berkeley with one C? ›

UC Berkeley has a very detailed, extensive list of required high school coursework for all applicants. They also have specific and well-outlined high school coursework requirements. High school students must have taken 15 high school courses that lasted a full academic year and received a minimum of a C grade.

Does Berkeley grade on a curve? ›

Now, there is no longer a forced curve for Berkeley Haas courses. The grade distribution is flexible as long as the mean GPA does not exceed the cap. 2) Do other business schools use curves/mean GPA guidelines? Most business schools (and other professional schools) have such policies.

Will my grade be replaced if I retake a class? ›

In most cases, if you repeat a course and earn a better grade, your GPA will automatically update to remove your first attempt from the calculation. Your transcript will still show all your attempts and the grades you received each time you took the course, but you'll receive credit for only one.

Is it worth retaking a class for a better grade? ›

Retaking classes can be a strategic move, as it shows that you're committed to improving your academic record and mastering the material. However, some factors to consider include the level of classes (whether they're honors, AP, etc.) and the specific policies of the colleges you're aiming for.

Does Berkeley deflate grades? ›

UC Berkeley does not have grade deflation. We just do not have as much grade inflation as most other top-tier universities. As a graduate student, I have helped to teach various lower-division math classes such as calculus and linear algebra. The median letter grade in these classes is a B-.

Can professors change grades after semester Berkeley? ›

All grades except Incomplete are final when filed by an instructor in end-of-semester course reports. However, the correction of a clerical or procedural error may be authorized as the Division directs. No change of grade may be made on the basis of reassessment of the quality of a student's work.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.