Gold Doubloon Molly Fish 101: A Comprehensive Beginner Guide (2024)



  • Mary James
  • December 20, 2023

If you’re new to aquarium fish keeping, you may have encountered the beautiful Gold Doubloon Molly fish. These stunning fish, known for their vibrant golden coloration and graceful appearance, are famous for beginner aquarists.

In this comprehensive beginner guide, we’ll deeply dive into all things Gold Dust Molly fish related. From their natural habitat and behavior to tank requirements and care tips, this guide is designed to provide you with all the information you need to care for these captivating fish successfully.

Whether you’re considering adding Gold Doubloon Mollies to your aquarium or recently brought some home and want to ensure you meet their needs, this guide is a must-read for any fish enthusiast.

By the end of this article, you’ll understand how to create the optimal environment for your Gold Doubloon Mollies andkeep these fishhealthy and thriving for years.

Table of Contents

Gold Doubloon Molly Fish Overview

The Gold Doubloon Molly (Poecilia latipinna), the Peruvian Sailfin Molly or Lira Molly, is a stunning and popular freshwater fish for aquariums. Here’s an overview:


  • Native to coastal rivers and estuaries in northern Peru, Mexico, United States and Ecuador.


  • Large fish for a molly, reaching up to 5inches long.
  • Males have elongated dorsal fins that resemble sails, hence the name “Sailfin.”
  • Males possess a vibrant golden body with black marbling and edging on the anal fins. Females are silver to golden with less prominent markings.
  • Both sexes have iridescent scales that shimmer in light.


  • Peaceful and community-friendly, but it can be nippy towards other fin-nipping fish.
  • Active and playful, often swimming in mid-water areas of the tank.


  • Water temperature: 74-82°F (23-28°C)
  • pH: 7.0-8.0
  • Water hardness: 10-20 dGH
  • Aquarium size: Minimum 20 gallons for a pair, larger for groups.
  • Diet: Omnivorous, needs a varied diet of algae flakes, pellets, brine shrimp, and vegetable matter.


  • Easy to breed in the aquarium.
  • Males will display their fins and chase females to initiate spawning.
  • Females are livebearers and give birth to around 20-50 fry every few weeks.
  • Separate fry from adults to prevent predation.

Interesting facts:

  • The species is vulnerable in its habitat due to habitat loss and pollution.
  • Several color variations exist, including Black Doubloon Molly and Orange Doubloon Molly.
  • They are relatively long-lived for a molly, with lifespans up to 5 years in captivity.

Overall, the Golden Doubloon Molly is a captivating and hardy fish that is an excellent community aquarium addition. This species is worth considering if you’re looking for a vibrant and active fish!

Gold Dust Molly fish natural habitat

Gold Dust Molly fish are native to Mexico and Central America’s freshwater streams, rivers, and coastal areas. They prefer habitats with plenty of vegetation and prefer slow-moving or still water. Gold Dust Mollies are often found in shallow, warm waters with much plant cover.

These fish are adaptable and thrive in brackish water, making them well-suited for freshwater and slightly saline environments.

Gold Dust Mollies feed on algae, small invertebrates, and plant matter in their natural habitat. They are known for their distinctive gold speckles and vibrant coloration, which helps them blend in with the vegetation and stay protected from predators.

Due to their hardiness and adaptability, Gold Dust Mollies have also been introduced to other parts of the world, where they have become established in various freshwater habitats.

Common Types Of Molly fish:

There are several common molly types, and they are often classified based on their fin shapes, colors, and patterns. Here are some of thedifferent molly species (Poecilia sphenops):

  • Sailfin Molly
  • Costa Rican Molly
  • Short-Fin Molly
  • Dwarf Molly
  • Black Molly
  • Lyretail Molly
  • Balloon Molly
  • Tiger Molly
  • Dalmatian Molly
  • High-Fin Molly
  • Lemon Drop Molly
  • Green Lantern Molly
  • Golden Molly
  • Ebonysword Molly
  • Pumpkin Molly

Compatible tank mates choices for gold dust molly fish

Choosing the suitable tank mates for your Gold Dust Molly fish can ensure a thriving and harmonious aquarium community. Here are some excellent options to consider:

Fellow Livebearers:

  • Guppies:These vibrant fish share similar water requirements and peaceful nature with mollies, making them ideal tank mates. You’ll get a beautiful display of colors and activities with this combo.
  • Platys:Platys are another excellent match for mollies with similar sizes, temperaments, and breeding habits. Just like guppies, be prepared for potential fry production!
  • Swordtails:Closely related to mollies, swordtails add another dimension with their distinctive tail fins. Watch out for potential fin nipping, especially towards long-finned varieties.

Peaceful Community Fish:

  • Tetras:Neon tetras, Cardinal tetras, and other peaceful tetras add vibrant splashes of color and schooling behavior to your tank. Their smaller size means the mollies won’t bully them.
  • Danios:Zebra Danios and Celestial Pearl Danios are energetic and lively fish that complement the playful nature of mollies. Their smaller size also makes them safe tank mates.
  • Corydoras Catfish:These bottom-dwelling catfish are excellent tank cleaners and add a unique dimension to your aquarium. They share similar water preferences with mollies, and their peaceful nature makes them perfect tank mates.

Other Considerations:

  • Tank size:Ensure yourbreeding tankis large enough to accommodate all the fish you wish to keep comfortably. Overcrowding can lead to stress and aggression.
  • Water parameters:All chosen tank mates should thrive in similar water conditions as Gold Dust Mollies, which prefer slightly hard, alkaline water with temperatures between 75-82°F.
  • Temperament:Avoid aggressive fish species like Tiger Barbs or Oscars, as they may bully or even eat your mollies. Stick to peaceful and community-oriented fish.

Bonus Tip:Keep the ratio of males to females skewed towards females, especially with livebearers like mollies. This helps prevent excessive male harassment and reduces stress on the females.

gold doubloon molly care

Gold doubloon mollies are relatively easy to care for, making them a popular choice for beginner fish enthusiasts. These fish require a tank size of at least 20 gallons with well-maintained water conditions. They prefer a slightly alkaline pH level and a water temperature of 72-82°F.

Gold doubloon mollies are omnivores and eat varied flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms. It is essential to provide them with plenty of hiding spaces and live plants to mimic their natural habitat.

They are peaceful and social fish, so keeping them in groups of at least three is best. With proper tank conditions and a balanced diet, gold doubloon mollies can thrive and make a beautiful addition to any community tank.

gold doubloon mollies Aquarium Size & Setup

Gold Doubloon Mollies, with their stunning metallic scales and energetic personalities, are popular in aquariums. To ensure their health and happiness, choosing the right tank size and setting up their environment correctly is crucial. Here’s a guide to help you:

Aquarium Size:

  • Minimum recommended size:20 gallons. This provides enough swimming space for a small group of Gold Doubloon Mollies.
  • Ideal size:30 gallons or more. A larger tank will offer more comfort better water quality stability, and allow additional tank mates if desired.
  • Considerations:Remember, mollies are active swimmers and prolific breeders. A larger tank can help manage breeding populations and prevent overcrowding.

Setup Essentials:

  • Substrate:Choose a fine gravel or sand substrate. Avoid sharp rocks or decorations that could injure the mollies’ delicate fins.
  • Water Parameters:Temperature:Aim for a range of 75-82°F (24-28°C). Gold Doubloons prefer slightly warmer water than some other molly varieties.
  • pH:Maintain a stable pH between 7.0 and 8.2. Slightly hard water is preferred.
  • Ammonia & Nitrite:Keep these levels at 0 ppm.
  • Nitrate:Maintain nitrate levels below 20 ppm for optimal health.
  • Filtration:A reliable filter is essential for maintaining good water quality. Opt for a filter rated for a tank size slightly larger than your actual tank to ensure efficient filtration.
  • Decoration:Provide plenty of hiding places and swimming space. Rocks, driftwood, and live or artificial plants will create a stimulating environment for your mollies.

Additional Tips:

  • Lighting:Moderate lighting is sufficient. Avoid exposing the tank to direct sunlight, which can promote algae growth.
  • Water Changes:Perform regular partial water changes of 10-20% weekly to remove waste and replenish essential minerals.
  • Diet:Feed your mollies a varied diet of high-quality flake food, pellets, and occasional frozen or freeze-dried brine shrimp or bloodworms. Vegetable matter like blanched spinach or zucchini can also be offered.

Following these recommendations and providing proper care can create a thriving and beautiful aquarium for your Gold Doubloon Mollies. Remember, research and planning are crucial to success, so don’t hesitate to consult experienced aquarists or your local fish store for further guidance.

Water Chemistry: What water do mollies need?

Mollies are adaptable fish that can thrive in various water conditions, but they have some specific preferences when it comes to water chemistry. Here’s a breakdown of what your mollies need:

Temperature:Mollies are tropical fish, so they prefer warm water. Aim for a temperature range of 75-82°F (24-28°C).

pH:Mollies prefer slightly alkaline water with a pH range of 7.0 to 8.2.

Hardness:Mollies are considered hardwater fish, so they do best in water with a hardness level of 12-25 dGH (200-416 ppm). Add crushed coral or aragonite substrate to increase the hardness if your tap water is soft.

Ammonia and Nitrite:These should always be at 0 ppm. Ammonia and nitrite are toxic to fish, so it’s essential to maintain a healthy biological filter in your aquarium to remove them.

Nitrate:Keep nitrate levels below 20 ppm. High nitrate levels can stress fish and contribute to algae growth.

Chlorine and Chloramines:Tap water often contains chlorine and chloramines, which harm fish. Treat tap water with a water conditioner before adding it to your aquarium.

Can I keep mollies and guppies together?

Mollies and guppies are peaceful freshwater fish that can be kept together in the same aquarium.

They require similar water conditions, including a temperature range of 75-82°F and a pH of 7-8. Mollies can be slightly more extensive and more aggressive than guppies, so it’s essential to provide enough space and hiding spots to avoid any territorial disputes.

Both species are known for their vibrant colors and active swimming behavior, making them a visually appealing addition to any community tank.

It is important to note that both mollies and guppies are prolific breeders, so if you don’t want an abundance of fry, it’s best to keep all males or a limited number of females in the tank.

With proper care and attention to their specific needs, mollies and guppies can coexist peacefully and create a lively and colorful display in your aquarium.

Gold dust molly price & Arrive Alive Proof Method

The price of Gold Dust Mollies can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • Age:Younger fish are generally cheaper than adults.
  • Size:Larger fish will typically cost more than smaller ones.
  • Lineage:Fish from specific breeders or with unique coloration may be more expensive.
  • Location:Prices vary depending on your local fish stores and online retailers.

Based on current market trends, you can expect to paybetween $5 and $20 per Gold Dust Molly, with the average price around$10-$15.

Now, ontoArrive Alive Guarantee proof methods:

Many reputable fish stores and online retailers offer Arrive Alive Guarantees to ensure your fish arrive healthy and alive. Here are some standard proof methods they may use:

  • Digital photos or videos:The seller may take photos or videos of the fish alive and well in their packaging before shipping. This provides documentation of the fish’s condition at the time of shipment.
  • Third-party shipping companies:Some sellers use specialized shipping companies specializing in transporting live fish. These companies often have their own tracking and monitoring systems to ensure the safe arrival of your fish.
  • Temperature-controlled packaging:The seller may use insulated heat or ice packs (depending on the weather) to maintain a stable temperature range during shipping. This helps to reduce stress on the fish and minimize the risk of temperature shock.
  • Live arrival guarantee policy:The seller should have a clear and concise Arrive Alive Guarantee policy outlining the terms and conditions for receiving a refund or replacement fish in case of DOA (dead on arrival).

gold doubloon Molly Baby Care

Caring for a gold dust molly baby is not much different from caring for other mollies. They require a well-maintained tank with stable water parameters, a balanced diet, and a stress-free environment.

Gold doubloon mollies are known to be hardy fish and can adapt to various water conditions, but it is still essential to ensure that their tank is clean and has adequate filtration.

Feeding them a mix of high-quality flake, frozen, and live foods will provide them with the necessary nutrients for growth and development. Gold doubloon mollies are social fish and should be kept in groups to prevent stress.

Being mindful of their tank mates and providing them with plenty of hiding spots and plants will help create a harmonious environment. With proper care and attention, black and gold molly babies can grow into beautiful, healthy adult fish.

Commonly Asked Questions about Gold Dust Molly Fish (FAQs)

Are gold dust mollies aggressive?

Gold dust mollies are generally peaceful fish, not known for aggression. While males chase females during breeding, they’re playful and can cohabit with other calmspecies of Molly.

Is My Gold Doubloon Molly Pregnant?

Identifying pregnancy in mollies relies on physical signs like a gravid spot, enlarged abdomen, and altered swimming behavior. Observe these to confirm. For details, consult a fishkeeping resource.

What is the gold doubloon molly male and female ratio?

Aim for a2:1 male-to-female ratiofor gold doubloon mollies. Adjust based on tank size and aggression: fewer males in smaller tanks or with active males.

How many babies does a gold dust molly have?

A gold dust molly can give birth to30-80 fryper litter, though factors like age and health can affect the number. Provide ample hiding spots to boost fry survival.

What is the survival rate of Molly Fry?

The survival rate of Molly fry varies depending on various factors such as water conditions, care provided, and genetics. However, with proper care, the survival rate can be high.

How do you breed gold dust Molly?

To breed gold dust Mollies, provide a well-planted aquarium with a ratio ofone maleto twofemale mollies, maintain warm water (78-82°F), and offer a varied diet. Regular water changes stimulate breeding.

Do gold dust mollies Need RO orsaltwater?

Gold dust mollies thrive in freshwater but tolerate brackish and even full saltwater. While not necessary, adding small amounts of aquarium salt (1 tsp/gallon) can boost health. Acclimate gradually if switching water types.

What disease did Molly have?

Mollies are susceptible to ich (white spot disease), fin rot, shimmy, and velvet. Regular monitoring, proper nutrition, and good water quality help prevent and address these issues.


In conclusion, the world of aquarium enthusiasts is vibrant and captivating. From the dazzling colors of tropical fish to the intricacies of tank setups, it’s a hobby that brings joy and fascination to many. With its shimmering golden hues, the gold dust molly fish is a prized addition to any aquarium. Its beauty and graceful presence can genuinely elevate the aesthetics of your underwater oasis. So, dive into this fascinating world of aquatic wonders, explore new species, and let the enchanting gold doubloon molly fish be the crowning jewel of your aquatic masterpiece.

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Gold Doubloon Molly Fish 101: A Comprehensive Beginner Guide (3)

I am the founder of, a devoted wife and mother, and an avid fish enthusiast. My aim is to assist fellow fish lovers worldwide in understanding how to properly care for and breed their pet fish.

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Gold Doubloon Molly Fish 101: A Comprehensive Beginner Guide (2024)
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