ICB Handbook — Ithaca Concert Band (2024)


Membership in the Ithaca Concert Band is open to all community musicians, although the band's members are predominantly adults. Members are accepted based on the band's personnel needs and logistical requirements. Playing in the band is considered a privilege that entails responsibility, dedication, maturity, and enthusiasm for making music with other musicians of similar spirit and interest.

Generally, there are more opportunities for new members to join the band during the summer season. During the fall, winter, and spring, the band's musical needs can be more specific and exacting.

Prospective new members may contact the appropriate section leader, band president or vice-president, or conductor to inquire about the band. Before officially joining the band, prospective new members will be directed to speak with the section leader to find out about current openings and needs within the section and to discuss the prospective member's musical background and availability. Former members who wish to return after a seasonal or extended absence should also speak with the section leader.

Annual dues for a full membership in the Ithaca Concert Band are $25.00;dues for additional family members are $12.50 each. Dues are to be paid in full at the beginning of each season starting in September. Payment of dues gives membership privileges, including full participation in rehearsals and concerts, listing of the member's name in concert programs, voting eligibility, and access to any other activities or services sponsored by the band. Dues for those individuals who wish to participate exclusively in the band’s summer concert series are $12.50. Summer dues for additional family members are $6.25. Payment for the summer season is due at the first summer rehearsal attended.

In cases of financial hardship, the Ithaca Concert Band president or treasurer may reduce or waive an individual’s dues. The band president or treasurer will consider requests for dues reduction on a case-by-case basis.


All band members are expected to attend rehearsals regularly. This is especially true of dress rehearsals (the rehearsal immediately preceding any concert). To be eligible to play in a concert, you must attend the dress rehearsal and at least one of the two rehearsals immediately preceding the dress rehearsal. Only the conductor whose decision shall be final may make exceptions.

It is the band member’s responsibility to notify his or her section leader about any planned absences. Remember, your music folder must be at the rehearsal even in your absence. If you must miss a concert, notify your section leader and the conductor as soon as possible so arrangements can be made to cover your part.


LOCATION: The band rehearses every Tuesday evening from 7 until 8:30 p.m. at the First Congregational Church, 309 Highland Road in Ithaca.

SETUP: Chairs, stands and folders are set up and taken down by band members before and after each rehearsal.

MUSIC FOLDERS: Members are permitted to borrow music folders and must sign them out at the end of rehearsal in the sign-out book by the door. In addition, band members must find a way to return the folder at the next rehearsal even if not attending the rehearsal.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements are usually given at the podium during rehearsal breaks and may be given by any member who has pertinent information for the band. Important information is also shared via email and on the ICB Facebook page.


CONCERT SCHEDULE:The concert schedule will be arranged and published in advance of the concert dates. The tentative summer schedule will be announced the first week of June or sooner. When performance opportunities arise on short notice, the membership will be polled as to their availability. The board will then issue a decision based on the interest shown.

CONCERT ATTENDANCE:Members unable to perform in a concert must notify their section leader as soon as possible thereby enabling their part to be covered.

SET UP:Members are required to help with setting up and transporting equipment (i.e., chairs, stands, music and percussion equipment) twice per year. A sign-up form will be circulated.

CONCERT VENUES:Our outdoor concerts require special planning by all members. Everyone should wear clothing appropriate for the weather and bring items such as water, sunglasses, and hats, as needed.

CONCERT PROGRAMS: The conductor chooses our concert music programs. Suggestions are always welcome.


Winter Concerts:
Men: "tuxedo look" (tuxedo or black suit with black bow tie and white shirt), black shoes.
Women: Black top with black skirt or pants, or black dress, black shoes.

Summer Concerts:
Men and women: White ICB polo shirt (available for purchase), white short-sleeve shirt or blouse, black slacks, shorts, or skirt, appropriate shoes.

CONCERT PROCEDURE:Members should arrive at the concert location at the time specified by the conductor to allow time to help setup, warm up and become acclimated to the venue. Members need to be on stage usually 30 minutes before curtain time so the band can tune and warm up on stage with the conductor. Extraneous noise and talking should be kept to a minimum. Well before call time, members should check to see that music is in the proper order and necessary accessories (reading glasses, mutes, reeds, clothespins, etc.) are present. Keep instrument cases and unnecessary equipment off stage. The concertmaster (first chair clarinet) gives the cue to stand and face the audience when the conductor enters. During the concert, stay alert – anything can happen or change.Watch the conductor.If the conductor motions for soloists or the entire band to stand, do so quickly being sure to face the audience and smile.


The Ithaca Concert Band Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation as specified in Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.


1. Membership dues.

2. Contributions from members, families, friends and the business community.Classifications have been established based on the level of annual contributions based on the calendar year: Friend: $25-$99, Donor: $100-$199, Benefactor: $200-$499, Patron: $500-$4,999, Conductor’s Level: $5,000+

3. Grants from public sources such as the NYS Council for the Arts, the Community Arts Partnership of Tompkins County, as well as from private corporations, foundations and other organizations interested in promoting the Arts.

4. Performance payments from the event organizers. Arrangements vary.

5. Voluntary donations from concert attendees, band members and members of the community.


1. Honoraria for conductors, guest musicians and guest soloists.

2. Costs to use concert and rehearsal spaces.

3. Property and liability insurance.

4. New equipment and music.

5. Publicity and promotional costs.

6. Expenses to rent truck and transport equipment to performance venues.

7. ICB summer picnic

8. Minor administration expenses.




Section 1. Office. The office of the corporation shall be located in the City of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, and State of New York.



Section 1. All persons presently playing in the band shall automatically be members of the corporation.

Section 2. Any person who is a musician or interested in the activities of this corporation may become a member upon acceptance of their membership form and fee by the Board or their designee. The conductor or applicable section leader may audition persons who apply to become playing members of the corporation. The audition or admission to membership may be denied, if, at the conductor or section leader’s discretion, the band does not need another player of that instrument at that time, or if, after audition, the conductor or section leader is of the opinion that the applicant does not possess the talent or the aptitude to become a playing member of the corporation.

Section 3. Resignation. Any member may withdraw from the corporation at any time upon giving notice to the personnel manager of the corporation or by allowing their annual membership dues to lapse. The personnel manager and any other necessary members of the board shall ensure that all music, folders, and any other property of the Band is returned within one week of resignation.

Section 4. Suspension and expulsion. A member may be suspended for a period or expelled for cause, such as violation of any of the by-laws or rules of the corporation, or for conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the corporation. Suspension or expulsion shall be by a unanimous vote of the board of directors.

Section 5. Concerts. To be eligible to play in a concert, a member must attend the dress rehearsal and at least one of the two rehearsals immediately preceding the dress rehearsal. The conductor and relevant section leader, whose joint decision shall be final, may make exceptions.

Section 6. Membership fee. The membership fee shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year for individuals. For families, the fee shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year for the first member and twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50) per year for each additional member of the first member’s immediate family (i.e. spouse, parent, child, or sibling). The membership fee shall be twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50) for individuals who only join for the summer season. In case of hardship, the membership fee may be waived at the discretion of a majority of the board.



Section 1. Annual meeting. A meeting of the members shall be held annually for the election of directors and transaction of other business on such day in the month of February or March in each and every year as is designated by the board of directors, who shall also designate the time and place of such meeting.

Section 2. Special meetings. Special meetings of the members, for any purpose or purposes, may be called by the president of the board of directors, and shall be called by the president at the request in writing of five members in good standing. The notice for such meeting shall state the purpose or purposes thereof and indicate at whose request the meeting is being called.

Section 3. Rehearsals. Rehearsals shall be held once per week for a period of approximately one and one half hours. The duration, location, calendar, and start and end times of rehearsals shall be decided by the board with the input of the conductors. All members are expected to attend rehearsals regularly, and notify their section leaders of any anticipated absences as soon as possible.

Section 4. Notice of the annual meeting or of any special meeting stating the place, date and hour shall all be given personally by the president, or by email, not less than ten nor more than thirty days prior to the date of the meeting to each member entitled to vote at such meeting.

Section 5. List of members. Each member shall be entitled to cast one vote on any question brought up for vote at any annual or special meeting. A record of the members entitled to vote, certified by the secretary of the corporation shall be produced at any meeting of members upon the request therefore of any member who makes such request. Any member whose name is on such list may vote at such meeting.

Section 6. Quorum. At any meeting of the members, the members entitled to cast a majority of the total number of votes entitled to be cast thereat shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business. When a quorum is once present to organize a meeting, it is not broken by the subsequent withdrawal of any members. The members present may adjourn a meeting despite the absence of a quorum.

Section 7. Voting. Every member of record shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members. Directors shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of the members entitled to vote in the election and any other corporate action to be taken shall be authorized by a majority of the votes cast at the meeting.

Section 8. Meeting Format. The annual meeting and any special meetings shall be held in person. If inclement weather, a public health emergency, or other, extenuating circ*mstances prevent these meetings from being held in person, the board may decide to hold such meetings virtually using a platform of their choosing. A good faith effort shall be made to notify the membership as much in advance as possible, and to select a platform that allows for a majority of members to participate. Any business transacted at a virtual meeting shall be treated identically to that of an in person meeting.


Board of Directors

Section 1. Board of Directors. The board of directors shall manage the business of this corporation. The number of directors constituting the entire board shall be no greater than eleven and no less than five. The number of directors may be increased or decreased by a vote of the members at an annual meeting or special meeting called for this purpose, or by the board of directors at a duly called meeting, subject to the limitation that no decrease shall shorten the term of any incumbent director. Each director shall be at least eighteen years of age.

Section 2. The term of office of each director shall be two years or until their successor has been elected and qualified.

Section 3. Newly created directorships and vacancies. Newly created directorships resulting from an increase in the number of directors, and vacancies occurring in the board of directors for any reason, may be filled by a vote of a majority of directors then in office regardless of their number. A director elected to fill a vacancy shall hold office through the remainder of the term, until the annual meeting when a successor is elected and qualified.

Section 4. Removal of directors. Any and all of the directors may be removed with or without cause by vote of the members, or for cause by vote of directors when there is a quorum of not less than a majority present at the meeting of directors at which the action is taken.

Section 5. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 6. Meetings of the board. Meetings shall be held at such time and place as fixed by the board of directors. The president shall give notice of such meetings at least five days prior to the meeting.

Section 7. Nominating committee. At least twenty days prior to the annual meeting in each year, the board of directors shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of three or more members in good standing who are not running for any open position. The nominating committee shall nominate at least one person to fill each of the directorships hereinafter designated: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, fundraising director, personnel director, publicity director, concert production director, and one or more members-at-large.

Section 8. Election of Directors. The following directors shall be elected in odd-numbered years: president, treasurer, personnel, publicity, and at least one member-at-large. The following directors shall be elected in even-numbered years: vice president, secretary, concert production, fundraising, and at least one member-at-large. Such directors shall have the duty of carrying out the activities of the corporation in the area specified, together with such other duties as shall be assigned by the board of directors. Positions of librarian, sound manager, webmaster and equipment manager are appointed by a majority vote of the board for a two-year term as needed.

Section 9. Electronic Voting. When necessary or expedient, the president may put items to discussion and vote via email. Such votes, provided that the number of members represented constitutes a quorum, shall be treated identically to votes taken in person at a duly called meeting of the board of directors.

Section 10. Meeting Format. Meetings of the board of directors shall be held in person or virtually, with preference given to in person meetings when practicable. If inclement weather, a public health emergency, pauses in rehearsals, or other, extenuating circ*mstances prevent these meetings from being held in person, the board may decide to hold such meetings virtually using a platform of their choosing. A good faith effort shall be made to notify the members of the board as much in advance as possible, and to select a platform that allows for every member to participate. Any business transacted at a virtual meeting shall be treated identically to that of an in person meeting.

Section 11. Required Documents. The directors shall, before they assume their office, sign a conflict of interest policy statement and a confidentiality statement as required by New York State non-profit law. Such documents shall be held by the secretary.



Section 1. The officers of this corporation to be elected by the membership, who shall also be directors, shall be the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. No person shall hold more than one office. The board of directors may elect an assistant secretary and assistant treasurer and such other officers as the operation of the corporation requires.

Section 2. Election and term. All officers shall be elected by the board to hold office for a term of two years and until their successor has been elected and qualified.

Section 3. President. The president shall preside at all meetings of members and at all meetings of directors, and shall supervise and manage all the business and affairs of the corporation, subject to the control of the board of directors. The president shall have power to sign all certificates, contracts and other instruments in the name of the corporation, to sign checks, notes and orders for the payment of money, and to appoint and discharge agents and employees, subject to the approval of the board of directors. The president shall, in the event that the secretary has not already done so, give or cause to be given notice of all meetings to those who are entitled to notice. The president shall perform all of the duties usually incident to that office.

Section 4. Vice president. The vice president shall, in the absence or disability of the president, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the president.

Section 5. Secretary. The secretary shall keep the minutes of all the meetings of the board of directors and of all meetings of the members. The secretary shall, in the event that the president has not already done so, give or cause to be given notice of all meetings to those who are entitled to notice; shall have charge of the corporate books and records; and shall, in general, perform all of the duties incident to that office.

Section 6. Treasurer. The treasurer shall have custody of all funds, securities and other valuable documents of the corporation; when necessary or proper they shall endorse on behalf of the corporation for collection checks, notes and other obligations, and shall deposit the same to the credit of the corporation. The treasurer shall receive and give receipts, and shall pay out the funds of the corporation all just debts of the corporation; shall keep or cause to be kept full and accurate accounts of all money received and paid out on account of the corporation and whenever required by the president or the board of directors, shall render a statement of accounts. The treasurer may be asked to give the corporation security for the faithful performance of these duties in such sum and with such surety as the board of directors may require, the cost of which shall be paid by the corporation.

Section 7. Past President. After an election in which the president does not run for reelection or runs but is not reelected, they shall, for a period of at least six months but not more than two years, become the past president. The past president shall serve on the board in an advisory role, shall not count toward a quorum at meetings of the board, and shall not be entitled to participate in any votes at meetings of the board. The past president shall provide advice and guidance to the incoming president and board members on matters including but not limited to protocols, communication, record-keeping, and storage of files and documents. A president who is removed by the board or by the members shall not become the past president and the office will remain vacant until such time as another president fills it according to the provisions of this section.


Miscellaneous Provisions

Section 1. Fiscal year. The fiscal year of the corporation shall end on January 31st of each calendar year.

Section 2. Amendment and repeal. By-laws may be amended, repealed, or adopted by a majority of the entire board of directors and also by the members at the next annual meeting of the corporation.

Section 3. No director, officer, or agents of this corporation shall pledge the credit of the corporation for any sum of money without express authority by resolution of the board of directors.

Section 4. Recognition; scholarships. The members of the board may, at their discretion and with a majority vote, create and give awards to such members of the corporation who have served with distinction and furthered its cause, as well as create and award scholarships.

[Bylaws update approved by Ithaca Concert Band, 2/28/2023]

ICB Handbook — Ithaca Concert Band (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.