Shape Names in English with Pictures • 7ESL (2024)

If you need to learn about shape names in English, this reference is perfect for you. It includes various types of shapes with useful example sentences.

This reference will help you describe shapes in everyday conversations and understand what others are talking about. You will find sections covering lists of shapes, shape names with pictures and examples, types of shapes, and shape applications. Each section is designed to expand your knowledge and vocabulary.


Shape Names

List of Shapes

Shape Names in English with Pictures • 7ESL (1)

Shapes are geometric figures, or the pattern an outline falls into. Shapes are often drawn (whether by ink, pencil, or digitally), but they occur in life, also. Frequently, people picture 2D (two-dimensional, or flat) images when they hear the word “shapes,” so most of the objects listed in this lesson will be 2D shapes, but some will be 3D as well.

  • Nonagon
  • Octagon
  • Heptagon
  • Hexagon
  • Triangle
  • Scalene triangle
  • Right triangle
  • Parallelogram
  • Rhombus
  • Square
  • Pentagon
  • Circle
  • Oval
  • Heart
  • Cross
  • Arrow
  • Cube
  • Cylinder
  • Star
  • Crescent

Shape Names with Pictures and Examples


A nonagon is a polygon with nine sides and nine angles.

  • The stop sign is shaped like a nonagon, with nine sides and nine angles.

Shape Names in English with Pictures • 7ESL (2)


An octagon is a polygon with eight sides and eight angles.

  • The table in the center of the room has an octagon-shaped top.

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A heptagon is a polygon with seven sides and seven angles.

  • The badge on the police officer’s uniform had a heptagon shape.

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A hexagon is a polygon with six sides and six angles.

  • The honeycomb has a hexagon shape, with each cell perfectly formed.

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A triangle is a polygon with three sides and three angles.

  • The roof of the house has a triangular shape, with two sides sloping down towards the eaves.

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Scalene triangle

A scalene triangle is a triangle with no equal sides and no equal angles.

  • The triangle with sides measuring 5 cm, 7 cm, and 9 cm is a scalene triangle.

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Right triangle

A right triangle is a triangle that has one angle measuring 90 degrees. This angle is called the right angle, and it is opposite to the longest side of the triangle, which is called the hypotenuse.

  • The roof of the house is in the shape of a right triangle, with one side measuring 8 meters and the other side measuring 6 meters.

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A parallelogram is a four-sided shape with opposite sides that are parallel and equal in length.

  • The floor tiles in the hallway are arranged in a pattern of parallelograms.

Shape Names in English with Pictures • 7ESL (9)


A rhombus is a four-sided, flat shape with all sides of equal length, and opposite sides parallel to each other.

  • The kite that flew over the park was shaped like a rhombus.

Shape Names in English with Pictures • 7ESL (10)


A square is a four-sided, flat shape with all sides of equal length and all angles of 90 degrees.

  • The window in my room is a perfect square.

Shape Names in English with Pictures • 7ESL (11)


A pentagon is a five-sided, flat shape with five straight sides and five angles.

  • The sign outside the school is in the shape of a pentagon.

Shape Names in English with Pictures • 7ESL (12)


A circle is a round, two-dimensional shape with no corners or edges. It is defined by the distance from the center to any point on its boundary, called the circumference.

  • The sun was a bright circle in the sky.

Shape Names in English with Pictures • 7ESL (13)


An oval is a two-dimensional shape that looks like a stretched circle. It has curved sides and two axes of symmetry.

  • The swimming pool at the resort was shaped like an oval.

Shape Names in English with Pictures • 7ESL (14)


A heart is a symbol that represents love or affection. It is typically drawn as a symmetrical shape with two rounded bumps at the top and a point at the bottom.

  • She drew a heart on the card she gave to her best friend.

Shape Names in English with Pictures • 7ESL (15)


A cross is a two-dimensional shape that consists of two lines or bars intersecting each other at a perpendicular angle.

  • The church steeple was adorned with a large cross at the top.

Shape Names in English with Pictures • 7ESL (16)


An arrow is a two-dimensional shape that has a pointed end and a tail, often used to indicate direction or movement.

  • The sign pointed to the left with a large arrow.

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A cube is a three-dimensional shape with six equal square faces.

  • The gift was wrapped in a small cube-shaped box.

Shape Names in English with Pictures • 7ESL (18)


A cylinder is a three-dimensional shape with a circular base and straight sides that are parallel to each other.

  • The can of soda was in the shape of a cylinder, with a circular top and bottom and straight sides.

Shape Names in English with Pictures • 7ESL (19)


A star is a shape with five or more points that radiate outward from a central point.

  • The top of the Christmas tree was adorned with a bright, shining star.

Shape Names in English with Pictures • 7ESL (20)


A crescent is a shape that looks like a curved, thin moon.

  • The sky was dark, and a crescent moon hung low in the sky.

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Types of Shapes

Two-Dimensional Shapes

Two-dimensional (2D) shapes are flat figures with two dimensions—length and width. They do not have any thickness and can be drawn on flat planes such as paper or a blackboard. Common types of 2D shapes include triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, and other polygons.

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Triangles are polygonal shapes with three sides and three angles. They can be classified into several types based on side lengths and angles:

  • Equilateral triangle: all three sides are equal in length, and all angles measure 60 degrees.
  • Isosceles triangle: two sides are equal in length, and two angles are equal.
  • Scalene triangle: all three sides are different in length, and all three angles are different.

Triangles can also be classified based on angle measures:

  • Acute triangle: all three angles are less than 90 degrees.
  • Right triangle: one angle measures 90 degrees.
  • Obtuse triangle: one angle is greater than 90 degrees.


Quadrilaterals are polygonal shapes with four sides and four angles. Some common types of quadrilaterals include:

  • Square: all four sides are equal in length, and all angles measure 90 degrees.
  • Rectangle: opposite sides are equal in length, and all angles measure 90 degrees.
  • Parallelogram: opposite sides are equal in length and parallel, and opposite angles are equal.
  • Rhombus: all four sides are equal in length and opposite sides are parallel. Opposite angles are equal, but not necessarily 90 degrees.
  • Trapezium: one pair of opposite sides is parallel.
  • Kite: two pairs of adjacent sides are equal in length, with one pair of opposite angles equal.


A circle is a closed shape with a constant distance (radius) from its center to any point on its circumference. Circles have unique properties:

  • The diameter is twice the radius.
  • The circumference is the distance around the circle, calculated as 2π times the radius.
  • The area of a circle is the space enclosed by the circumference, calculated as π times the radius squared.

Other Polygons

In addition to triangles and quadrilaterals, several other polygonal shapes exist with varying numbers of sides:

  • Pentagon: five sides
  • Hexagon: six sides
  • Heptagon: seven sides
  • Octagon: eight sides
  • Nonagon: nine sides

These polygons can be regular, meaning all sides and angles are equal, or irregular, with varying side lengths and angles. Polygons with more than nine sides are generally referred to by their number of sides (e.g., decagon for 10 sides).

Three-Dimensional Shapes

Three-dimensional (3D) shapes are geometric forms that have length, width, and depth. They can be found all around us in our daily lives. This section will discuss some common 3D shapes, focusing on polyhedra, spheres and hemispheres, as well as cylinders and cones.

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Polyhedra are 3D shapes with flat faces, straight edges, and vertices. Some examples of polyhedra include:

  • Cube: A solid with six square faces, 12 edges, and eight vertices. All faces and angles are congruent.
  • Cuboid: Also known as a rectangular prism, it has six rectangular faces, 12 edges, and eight vertices.
  • Pyramid: A solid with a polygonal base and triangular faces that meet at a single vertex. The number of faces depends on the base shape.

Spheres and Hemispheres

Asphereis a 3D shape with a curved surface and no edges or vertices. It is perfectly symmetrical, and every point on its surface is an equal distance from the center. Some common examples of spheres are globes or balls.

Ahemisphereis half of a sphere, formed by cutting a sphere along a flat plane. It has a curved surface, and its base is a circle.

Cylinders and Cones

Cylindersare 3D shapes with two parallel, congruent circular or elliptical bases and a curved lateral surface that connects them. Some examples include cans or pipes. Cylinders can be divided into two types:

  • Right Cylinder: The bases are aligned directly above each other, and the axis between them is perpendicular to the bases.
  • Oblique Cylinder: The bases are not aligned directly above each other, and the axis is not perpendicular to the bases.

Conesare 3D shapes with one circular or elliptical base and a curved lateral surface that narrows and meets at a single vertex. Examples of cones can be found in party hats or funnels. Like cylinders, cones can also be right or oblique:

  • Right Cone: The axis between the base and the vertex is perpendicular to the base.
  • Oblique Cone: The axis between the base and the vertex is not perpendicular to the base.

More Types of Shapes

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Regular Shapes

Regular shapes are geometric figures with equal side lengths and equal angles. Some common regular shapes include:

  • Triangle:A polygon with three sides and three interior angles. There are several types of triangles:
    • Equilateral triangle:All sides and angles are equal.
    • Isosceles triangle:Two sides and two angles are equal.
    • Scalene triangle:All sides and angles are different.
  • Square:A four-sided polygon with all sides equal in length and all angles measuring 90 degrees.
  • Pentagon:A five-sided polygon with all sides and angles equal.
  • Hexagon:A six-sided polygon with all sides and angles equal.

Irregular Shapes

Irregular shapes are geometric figures that do not have equal side lengths or equal angles. Some common irregular shapes include:

  • Rectangle:A four-sided polygon with opposite sides equal in length and all angles measuring 90 degrees.
  • Parallelogram:A four-sided polygon with opposite sides parallel and equal in length. Opposite angles are equal.
  • Rhombus:A four-sided polygon with all sides equal in length, but angles are not necessarily 90 degrees.
  • Oval:An ellipse or an elongated circle with two different foci.

Other types of irregular shapes include polygons with varying side lengths and angles, such as heptagons (seven sides), octagons (eight sides), and nonagons (nine sides).

In addition to the two-dimensional shapes mentioned above, there are also three-dimensional shapes, which are referred to as geometric solids. Some common examples of geometric solids include:

  • Sphere:A perfectly round solid figure, where all points on the surface are equidistant from the center.
  • Cube:A solid figure with six equal square faces and all angles measuring 90 degrees.
  • Cylinder:A solid figure with two parallel, congruent circular bases connected by a curved lateral surface.

Shape Applications

Mathematics and Geometry Formulas

In mathematics, shapes play a crucial role in understanding various concepts and solving problems. Geometry, a branch of mathematics, deals with the study of shapes, sizes, positions, and properties of various objects. Some common geometry formulas include:

  • Area of a triangle:0.5 * base * height
  • Circumference of a circle:2 * pi * radius
  • Area of a rectangle:length * width

Shapes like triangles, rectangles, and circles are frequently used when solving real-world problems. For example, students use geometry formulas to solve problems in a variety of subjects, such as physics, engineering, and architecture.

Real-Life Objects

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Shapes can be observed in many different real-life objects. Some of these objects include:

  • Book: a book is typically rectangular in shape, consisting of multiple pages bound together. The pages within the book are also rectangular, and the spine is often straight, resembling a vertical line segment.
  • Ball: Balls, such as the ones used in sports like basketball or soccer, are spherical in shape. This shape is a three-dimensional object with a curved surface and no edges or vertices.
  • Globe: A globe is an example of a spherical object that represents the Earth. It is used for geographical and educational purposes, providing a detailed representation of our planet’s surface.
  • Dice: Dice are commonly used in many games and activities. They are typically cubes with six faces, each face having a different number of dots representing the numbers one through six.
  • Moon: The moon is often considered to have a crescent shape when viewed from Earth at certain times. This crescent shape is formed due to the position of the moon, Earth, and the sun.
  • Arrow: An arrow is a geometric shape consisting of a straight line segment with a triangle attached to one end. Arrows are often used to represent direction, motion, or a connection between objects.
  • Star: A star is a polygon with multiple points, often five or more. Stars are prevalent geometrical shapes in our daily lives, representing various aspects of culture, such as religion, symbolism, and decoration.

Shapes Names Video

There are shapes everywhere, and so references to them happen frequently. Hopefully, after this lesson, you’re feeling prepared to deal with shapes!

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We at 7ESL are dedicated to empowering English learners with cutting-edge AI technology. Our innovative applications assist users in speaking English fluently and enhancing their writing skills. We provide a wealth of resources and tools to help learners at every level master the English language.

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Shape Names in English with Pictures • 7ESL (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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